TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE of nrg’s “incharge” e-mobility application

1. The société anonyme under the name “NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER S.A.” and the distinctive title “NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING S.A.”, which is seated in the Municipality of Amaroussion, at the junction of 168 Kifissias Avenue and Sofokleous Street, with VAT number 998102480 of the FAE Athens Tax Office and General Commercial Registry (“G.E.M.I.”) No. 008361601000, hereinafter referred to as “nrg”, member of the Motor Oil Hellas group, offers its customers the “incharge” application, through which the latter can, according to the specific procedure described below, receive e-mobility services, in accordance with the specific provisions set out below. This form sets out the terms and conditions of use of the above application.

2. The following terms and conditions of use set out your rights and obligations when using our e-mobility application. Your use of the application is construed as your express and unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions. You warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age and have full legal capacity. 

3. The use of our e-mobility application entails the collection and processing of your personal data, as provided below. Therefore, if you do not agree to these terms, you must not use our Application in any way.

4. These terms may be subject to modification at our free and absolute discretion, without any prior notice to you, as more particularly provided below. 


For the purposes hereof, the following definitions shall have the meaning ascribed to them below:

“Registered User”: refers to you, when you elect to use the Application having previously completed the registration process and having accessed it using your personal credentials for the purposes of your identification. Registered users may be natural persons, traders, as well as legal entities, of any form.

“Minimum First Registration Fee”: refers to the amount that will be automatically charged to your credit card upon completion of your registration based on the Billing Plan you have selected, if you choose to register as a user of the Application. 

“Minimum Available Account Balance”: refers to the minimum amount that must be available in your account (your e-wallet) at the time you start using the Service in order for you to be able to charge your vehicle, if you choose to use the Services as a user of the Application. 

“Minimum Balance Replenishment Amount”: refers to the minimum amount you will be required to pay based on the Billing Plan you have selected, each time you choose to replenish your account balance, if you are a Registered User of the Application.

“We”: refers to us, namely the société anonyme under the name “NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER S.A”,  the full details of which are set out at the beginning hereof.

“Equipment”: refers to the electric vehicle chargers that we have installed at the Recharging Points or Stations. 

“Guest”: refers to you, when you choose to use the Application simply as a guest.

“User Data”: refers to the data that each person wishing to register and use the Application is required to fill in or possibly transmit to nrg before using the Application. 

“You”: refers to you, namely the Registered Users and/or Guests of the Application.

“Application”: refers to our e-mobility Application, as available from time to time, through which each Registered User or Guest may obtain information and access to the Services and e-mobility networks we offer, or contact us to make any request or complaint. 

“Card” or “Coral Pass”: refers to the Coral Pass card of “CORAL OIL AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME”, with the distinctive title “CORAL S.A.”, seated in Amaroussion, Attica, at 12A Irodou Attikou Street, with VAT number: 094472989 (hereinafter referred to as CORAL).

“Reservation”: refers to the service offered through the Application solely and exclusively to Registered Users, which allows them to schedule seamlessly and remotely the charging sessions of vehicles, reserving the charger of their choice for a specific period of time (date, time and duration).  

“Software”: refers to all human-readable or computer-readable data or other machine-readable data, technical specifications, logic, algorithms, modules, flow charts, logic diagrams, orthographic representations, subroutines, file structures, coding sheets, coding, source code or object code, lists, test data, test routines, diagnostic programs or other material relating to the Application or including any part thereof, which is required to enable it to function properly, effectively and efficiently.

“Terms”: refer to these “Terms and Conditions of Use of our e-mobility application”. 

“Pre-Purchase Hold Amount”: refers to the amount of 30.00 euros, which is placed on hold on the Guest’s bank card before the start of the Services, against payment of the price of the Services.

"Billing Plan": refers to the payment plan (terms), among those available on our Application from time to time, with which you wish to pay the price of the Services you will receive, if you choose to receive the Services as a Registered User of the Application. 

“Billing Document”: refers to the tax document (retail sales receipt for natural persons or Invoice for Services for traders/legal entities), which is issued and sent to the Registered User after the end of each use of the Application. 

“Usage Information”: refers to the information about the use of the Application (e.g., charging time, charging point, etc.), which will be accessible to the Registered User. In case of coexistence of Linked Members, the Registered User will have unrestricted access to all the information, while the Linked Member will only have access to the information and data concerning the use of the Application by them alone. 

“Recharging Point(s) or Station(s)”: refers to the publicly accessible recharging points or stations that we have deployed around Greece, as shown on the Application Map. 

“Linked Members”: refers to natural persons who are added as additional users to an already active account of a certain Registered User in the Application. Where reference is made herein, or any obligation or procedure is established, which applies to Registered Users, it shall be deemed to automatically include Linked Members.

“Hardware”: refers to the set of mechanical parts and physical components of a computer or computer system. It consists of the hard disk drive, processor, motherboard, graphics card, cables, co-circuits, circuit boards, wafers, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, camera, microphone and all the moving parts of which it is composed. 

“Services”: refers to the set of e-mobility services we offer you through the Application, namely the services related to the recharging and pricing of e-mobility services and to your optimal service more generally (indicatively, finding available Recharging Points/Stations and navigation, pre-booking of charging locations). 

“Map”: refers to the map used by the Application to depict the Recharging Points of our network.


Registration in the Application is optional and is not a condition for receiving the Services, with the exception of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) below. Exceptionally, your registration in the Application is strictly necessary if:
(i) you are a trader and wish to register in the Application for one or more vehicles of your company fleet in order to obtain an invoice for the price of the Services you receive through the Application, in which case you are required to complete your registration in the Application in advance, in accordance with the provisions of section C.I; 
(ii) you wish to register as a Linked Member to an already active Registered User account, in which case you are required to complete your registration in the Application in advance, in accordance with the provisions of Section C.II below; 
(iii) you are a customer of “CORAL” and you have requested your registration in the Application through the aforementioned company, in which case the provisions of section C.III below apply; or
(iv) you wish to proceed with a Reservation of a specific Recharging Point.

Ι. User registration methodology (in general):
Those of you who wish to use the Application as Registered Users must first follow the below procedure:
(a) First, you should visit the website https://drive.nrgincharge.gr/ or download the “incharge” application from Playstore for Android devices or from AppStore for iOS devices and fill in the information that will be requested at each step.
(b) Before you enter your personal data, you will be asked to select the Billing Plan you wish to use from the ones available from time to time and only under the condition that the option to select among different payment plans is offered at that point in time. Before selecting the desired Billing Plan, we invite you to carefully study its terms and conditions, namely the charging cost (€/kWh) per charger type (AC/DC), the Minimum First Registration Charge, as well as the Minimum Available Account Balance for charging, which are clearly indicated on each plan. If more than one Billing Plans are available at a certain point in time, you may choose one and/or more of them. Similarly, you may replace the selected Billing Plan with another Billing Plan at any time. The offering of more than one Billing Plans and/or the modification and/or cancellation of any of the ones available is within our sole discretion and is carried out freely without being subject to time limits, and without any obligation to provide you with prior notice. 
(c) You will then be asked to enter your personal data in the Application in order to be able to identify yourself as a Registered User of the Application. To register, we will ask you to enter your full name, email address, password to access the Application, mobile phone number, home address, language (among those available) in which you wish to browse the Application, your password to access the Application, as well as any other information requested. 
(d) Upon completion of the above steps, you will be asked to indicate that you agree to these terms and conditions, as well as our privacy policy, before we ask you to enter the details of the credit card you wish to use to make your payment(s). 
(e) By filling in your credit card details completely and correctly and by pressing the “Submit” button, you will receive the message required to activate your account through the Application. The relevant activation is carried out by the transmission of the relevant activation link, which will be sent to you via email to the email address you provided during registration. Upon completion of the activation process of your account, the credit card you provided in step (c) above of the registration process will be automatically charged with the amount of the Minimum First Registration Fee of the Billing Plan you selected. This amount will remain in your account for you to spend on Services. 

At the same time, if you belong to the category of traders and you wish to add third natural persons to your account as Linked Members, you may request this to nrg, upon completion of your registration in the Application. The addition of Linked Members is carried out in accordance with the procedure set out in Section C.II below.

II. Registration of Linked Members: 
The addition of Linked Members to an already active account of a Registered User in the Application is offered as an option exclusively and only to Registered Users who are traders with fleets of vehicles and requires the performance of the actions of this section. If you belong to the above category and you wish to add third natural persons to your account as Linked Members, you must first send your request to nrg in writing via [email protected], submitting at the same time in the same email a solemn declaration of the member (natural person) to be linked, bearing a certified signature via gov.gr or a competent public Authority, on which the following information (of the natural person) must be included: 

  • Full name of the person; 
  • contact telephone number;
  • their email address; 
  • the following content: “I hereby declare that the above information is absolutely accurate and I have already provided to “NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER S.A.” my express consent to process my data in order to temporarily register me in the Incharge application as a linked member of the registered user .............., as well as to contact me for the purposes of completing my registration in the above application. I further declare that I have been informed that my definitive registration in the abovementioned application is subject to the completion of the relevant registration procedure by me within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the relevant electronic invitation to be sent to me by the abovementioned company at my above stated email address.”

Β. Upon receipt of the relevant request, and provided that it is accompanied by the necessary supporting documents (as specifically mentioned above), nrg proceeds to the following actions:
(a)    Proceeds to your provisional registration as a Linked Member of the Application and sends you a message to the email address you provided in your solemn declaration, which contains a link. This link redirects you to an environment controlled by nrg, where you are asked to accept the terms of use of the Application, as well as the privacy policy of nrg, after entering the data necessary for your identification.
(b) Once you have completed the above registration process, nrg will send you temporary passwords to the Application, which you will be asked to change by setting your own new password upon your first login.
(c)    As a Linked Member, you may NOT choose a Billing Plan different from the one chosen by the Registered User to whose account you are linked. Therefore, in using the Application, your billing for the services you receive is based on the payment plan selected by the Registered User. Also, for Linked Members, the relevant tax billing document for the services you received, as well as the Usage Information, are sent to the email address of the Registered User or, for Registered Users of legal entities, to the contact person indicated at the initial registration. If at a certain point in time more than one Billing Plans are available, only the Registered User may choose one and/or more of them as applicable to you. Similarly, only the Registered User may replace the selected Billing Plan applicable to you with another Billing Plan at any time. The offering of more than one Billing Plans and/or the modification and/or cancellation of any of the ones available is within our sole discretion and is carried out freely without being subject to time limits, and without any obligation to provide you with prior notice.

III. Registration of CORAL customers
If you are CORAL customers with fleets of vehicles and you wish to register to the Application in order to receive the Services for your entire fleet of vehicles and paying the price of the services using Coral Pass, your registration to the Application is carried out exclusively through CORAL. More specifically, in order to start the registration process, you must send your request to CORAL. The latter, upon receipt of the request, will direct you as to the data necessary to complete your registration and will carry out all necessary steps to collect and transmit it to nrg. 

More specifically, for your registration in the Application, CORAL will collect with your consent and transmit to nrg at least the following data:
i. Your full legal name.
ii. The details (full name, telephone number and email address) of the person who will be appointed as the contact person on your behalf, as well as for monitoring the use of Coral Pass cards through the Application.
iii. The number of your Coral Pass card or cards (22 digits) which will be used to pay for the Services. You can designate one card for several vehicles or a different card for each vehicle. Registering more than one card for the same vehicle is not allowed. 
iv. The email address of the Card holder. Upon registration of several cardholders as Linked Members, the email address of each Member is collected.
v. The status under which you register with the Application (e.g., as a Registered User or as a Linked Member). 
vi. The mobile number of the Card holder. If more than one cardholders are registered as Linked Members, the phone number of each Member is collected.
vii. The period for which each Card is to be used as means of payment.
Upon receipt of the above information, nrg will proceed with all necessary actions for your temporary registration in the Application. Upon completion of your temporary registration in the Application, nrg will take the following actions:
(a) In the first instance, it will send a notification to CORAL, which in turn will inform its customer. 
(b) At the same time and independently from the aforementioned notification, it will send to you, and specifically to the email address you have provided through CORAL, an invitation to complete/finalize your registration. The relevant email will contain a link, which will redirect you to an environment controlled by nrg, through which you are invited to accept the terms of use of the Application, as well as nrg’s privacy policy. The process of finalizing your registration must be carried out within 10 working days.
(b) If you complete the abovementioned registration process in due time, nrg will send you temporary passwords to the Application, which you will be asked to change by setting your own new password upon your first login. Failure to meet the above deadline for finalization will result in the deactivation of the relevant option. In the latter case, you should contact CORAL and resubmit your request.
(c)    As a CORAL Linked Members/Customers, you are NOT able to choose a Billing Plan different from the one that the CORAL Registered User/Customer has set for all the members linked to their account. Therefore, in using the Application, your billing for the services you receive is carried out on the basis of the payment plan selected by the Registered User/ CORAL Customer and by charging the relevant fee to Coral Pass indicated by the latter for each Linked Member. 

The relevant tax billing document for the Services received, as well as the Usage Information, are sent to the email address of the Registered User or, for Registered Users of legal entities, to the contact person indicated as such. At the same time, and independently from the aforementioned tax billing document, nrg issues and sends to CORAL an aggregated statement of the charges carried out and paid on nrg’s network (Incharge) using the Coral Pass Card by all Linked Members of each Registered User/ CORAL Customer, at the end of each calendar month.

IV. Reservation of a Recharging Point
As long as you are a Registered User of the Application, you can seamlessly and remotely schedule the charging sessions of your vehicles, by reserving the charger of your choice for the date and time that suits you. 
More specifically, to complete a Reservation, you are required to follow the following steps:
Α. After logging into the Application with your passwords to identify yourself as a Registered User, you search through the Map for the desired Recharging Point. 
Β. By selecting the Recharging Point of your choice, the following details are displayed for that point:
- the exact address of that Recharging Point;
- its hours of operation, within which you can make a Reservation;
- the types of charging outlets supported by that Recharging Point, in order to select the one you want; and
- the exact charge (€/Kwh) for the use of that Recharging Point.
C. Then, by selecting the desired charging outlet, you can now make a Reservation for the desired time and date of charging by pressing the “Reservations” button that appears at the bottom of your screen, choosing between the possibility to reserve a certain Recharging Point based on time distance as displayed on your screen, within a certain number of minutes of the time of placing the relevant order (the “Reserve now” option), or to reserve for any later point in time on the same date or any subsequent date (the “Reserve by date” option).
D. By selecting one of the above options, the charge you will be charged for the reservation of the specific Recharging Point, as well as any charge you will be charged either in case of cancellation of the relevant reservation or in case of no-show, will be displayed on your screen. A no-show is defined as the unused period of time for which you have made the reservation [e.g., If you reserve a certain Recharging Point for date xxxxx and time window of 14:20 to 15:20 and you do not show up within the above mentioned time interval to charge your vehicle, you will be charged the no-show fee at the end of the above mentioned reservation interval].


1. You can browse and use the Application irrespective of whether you have previously registered to it (Registered User) or not (Guest), with the exception of the Services that require the completion of your registration as a Registered User, according to the aforementioned provisions. Depending on whether you are a Registered User or a Guest, the procedure to follow is described below:

Ι. Use of the Application as a Registered User or as a Linked Member (with the exception of case D.III below):
(a) Log in to the application with your login passwords in order to identify yourself as a Registered User or as a Linked Member, respectively.
(b) Browse the Application and select the Recharging Point through which you wish to recharge your vehicle via the “FIND A CHARGING POINT” button.
(c) Then select the type of charger that you wish to use to recharge your vehicle, from those available at the Recharging Point. If you are a Registered User, you are additionally asked to select your desired Billing Plan, if you have chosen to subscribe to more than one. By contrast, if you have selected only one Billing Plan, the billing is automatically carried out under that one. Accordingly, if you use the Application as a Linked Member, the payment of the fee for the services you receive shall be made through the Billing Plan selected for you by the Registered User to whose account you have subscribed.
(d) Following the steps described in detail in the Application, you start charging your vehicle, which you can stop whenever you wish.
(e) After the charging of your vehicle is complete, payment of the fee for the Services received, as determined by your Billing Plan and as illustrated in paragraph (c) above, and the kilowatt-hours (kWh) you consumed to charge your vehicle, shall be carried out automatically by deducting the relevant amount from the amount available in your account (your e-wallet) at the time you start receiving the Services.  If your account balance is fully depleted before your vehicle is fully charged, charging will not be interrupted, but in this case, the price of the energy consumed that is not covered by the available balance on your account (your e-wallet) will be recorded as a charge on your account and automatically deducted from the amount of your next renewal (e.g., If you started receiving Services with 5€ available on your account and the full charge of your vehicle cost 8,50€, the excess amount of 3,50€ will be registered on your account as a claim in our favour (-3,50€) and will be automatically deducted from the next renewal of your account balance).

II. Use of the Application as a Guest:
To use the Application as a Guest, you must follow the following procedure: 
(a) Go to the Recharging Point/Station you wish to use. The available points can be viewed by browsing the Application, by selecting the “FIND A CHARGING POINT” button.
(b) After selecting the Equipment you wish to use to recharge your vehicle, pull to the right the green arrow marked “swipe to charge” without being required to enter your details, except for your email address, to which you will receive the transaction receipt. 
(c) You will then be asked to select the payment method you wish to use and, after entering your credit card details, you will be directed to the Payment Gateway for the authentication of your credit card. 
(d) Provided that the authenticity of your card is certified by the relevant electronic payment platform partner, our Application will order the placement of a pre-purchase hold of an amount of 30.00 euros on your bank card added under step (c) above, to be applied against the Services to follow. Provided there is sufficient balance on your card to cover the Pre-Purchase Hold Amount, you may use our Services.  In any other case, i.e. in case the authentication of your card fails, or the process of confirming a sufficient balance on your card for the receipt of the Services is unsuccessful, then the use of the Services ceases. For more information about the Pre-Purchase Hold Amount and the process for the payment of the Services price, please refer to section (F) below.

For more information about the processing of your data making online payments, please visit our privacy policy, which is posted on our website at https://www.nrg.gr

III. Use of the Application by CORAL customers
If you have registered in the Application as CORAL customers – regardless of whether you are a Registered User or Linked Member –  you must follow exactly the procedure outlined in section D.I above to use the Application, with the difference that:
A) your billing for the Services is carried out on the basis of a Billing Plan selected centrally by the Registered User/ CORAL Customer for all Linked Members to the account; and 
B) the payment of the fee for the services is made through the available balance of the Coral Pass card that the Registered User has indicated for each Linked Member to their account. Therefore, specifically for CORAL customers, the condition for receiving nrg services is the existence of a sufficient balance on the Coral Pass card prior to each charge.


1. By using the Application in any way, you undertake:

  • To use the Services and/or Equipment safely and in full compliance with the instructions we provide through the Application, and solely for the purpose of recharging your vehicle, paying the relevant price for the Services received each time. 
  • Not to disable or bypass any protection mechanism we have installed on the Equipment and Recharging Points.
  • Not to use the Application and/or the Equipment in a way that infringes, restricts or interferes with the rights of use of any third party.
  • Not to use the Application for illegal or unethical purposes and in general not to engage in conduct that may in any way harm our and/or any third party’s interests.
  • Not to make false, misleading or fraudulent statements. 
  • To provide us with true and accurate information if you decide to contact us. In such a case, you accept that we may use this information to contact you, if absolutely necessary.
  • Not to engage in mirroring and/or framing of all or part of the Application Software. 
  • Not to illegally exploit, process, or store the Software of the Website or any part thereof in any way. In any case, it is expressly stated that you may not disassemble, arrange, translate, decompile, copy, reverse engineer, otherwise produce by way of reverse engineering, adapt, create derivative works and/or any other modification of the Application Software, unless otherwise provided by applicable law. 
  • Not to interfere with the Application Software for any reason, in particular to disconnect it from us, or to tamper with it in order to mislead consumers about its content or origin.
  • Not to disable or circumvent any protection mechanism we have installed in the Application or any updates we have made to the Application Software.
  • Not to post and/or share the Application Software on a server accessible via a public network, e.g., the internet, in a way that allows it to be copied by any third party (natural or legal person) not authorized by us. 
  • Not to grant, for financial or non-financial consideration, the Application Software (or any part thereof), nor to lend or distribute it to any third party and in particular to any person (whether natural or legal) not authorized by us.
  • Not to remove or misappropriate our trademarks and/or logos and/or distinctive features, or any other intellectual and industrial property rights that we have incorporated into the Application or that we display through the Recharging Points.
  • Not to remove or distort any official statements we make through the Application regarding our own copyright or the copyright of third parties who have licensed us to use it. 
  • Not to use the Application in violation of applicable law in general, including the laws on the protection of personal data.
  • To inform us immediately and by any appropriate means, in case you become aware of any unauthorized use, storage, processing or exploitation of the Application and/or the Application Software.

2. In any event, you will be liable for any damage or loss caused by your fault to us and/or any third party, and for any third party claim or action brought against us in relation to any material damage or loss arising directly from your fault while using the Equipment. 


1. The value of the Services we offer you depends on the way you choose to use our Services (e.g., with or without a Reservation), the recharging (billing) plan you choose for the recharging of your vehicle or, if you use the Application as Linked Member, the billing plan chosen for you by the Registered User to whose account you have subscribed as a member, the type of Equipment you have chosen to use and the kilowatt hours (kWh) you have consumed to recharge your vehicle, and it is that value which will be recorded in the Application after the completion of the partial or full recharge process and before you have completed the payment process, except in cases of obvious error. This value includes, by way of illustration and not limitation, the following:

  • the value of the Services and the use of the Equipment;
  • any fees or taxes imposed on the value of the Services and the use of the Equipment (including VAT);
  • transaction fees / bank charges, if any (excluding the Coral Pass card);
  • any Equipment connection costs for the period of time that it is not used to charge your vehicle but remains connected to the Recharging Station/Point, if applicable.   

2.    Payment for the value/price of the Services you received or the Services you have potentially cancelled and/or not timely used, is automatically made as follows:
I. For completed recharge services:
A) for Registered Users by charging the credit card you have registered in the Application during your registration; 
B) for Guests, by charging the bank card you have registered in the Application during your visit to the Recharging Point and according to the process specifically described in paragraph 3 of this section; while
C) for CORAL customers, through the billing of the Coral Pass that the Registered User / CORAL customer has linked to each Linked Member of their account on the Application.
II. For cancelled Services or in cases on no-show (applies only to Registered Users): through charging the credit card you have registered in the Application at the time of your registration. 

3. Provided you use the Services as a Guest, payment of the price for the Services shall be made primarily through the use of the Pre-Purchase Hold Amount and until such amount is fully expended. If the final value of the Services received during your current visit exceeds the Pre-Purchase Hold Amount, your bank card will be automatically charged with the excess amount. 

Conversely, if the final value of the Services received during your current visit is less than the Pre-Purchase Hold Amount, then the unused amount will be released and re-credited to your bank card. It is clarified that in this case, although the order to release the amount is given immediately by the Application at the end of the receipt of the Services, when the relevant transaction is settled, the exact date on which the unspent amount of the Pre-Purchase Hold Amount will appear on your bank card depends on the bank that issued the card.

4. All payments made through the Application are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT). 

5. Credit/debit cards are subject to validity and approval checks by your card issuer. If they do not approve the payment, then we do not assume any responsibility for not completing the transaction. Similarly, all Cards may be subject to validity and approval checks by CORAL. If CORAL does not approve the use of the Card, then we do not assume any responsibility for not completing the transaction.

6. In case the billing of the Services has been completed and you wish to cancel the transaction, you can call us at 21888 18102** (** local rate) and submit a refund request. Your request will be reviewed and, if deemed to be legitimate and reasonable, we will process the above refund within a reasonable period of time, using the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction. Exceptionally, on any cancellation requests submitted and that involve transactions using the Card, nrg reserves to itself the unilateral and unlimited right to cross-check information or possibly request additional information from CORAL in order to evaluate the relevant request.

7. If you have carried out the above transaction as a Registered User, the relevant proof of the transaction, as well as the relevant proof of payment of the price of the Services is automatically saved in your account (profile) in the Application . In case of use of the Application by a Linked Member, the relevant receipt is issued in the name of the Registered User or, in the case of a Registered User of a legal person, in the name of the contact person of such legal person. Exceptionally, for Services received by CORAL customers, nrg sends to CORAL an aggregated statement of the charges carried out and paid on nrg’s network (Incharge) using the Cards by all Linked Members of each Registered User/ CORAL Customer, at the end of each calendar month.

By contrast, if you have carried out the above transaction as a Guest, you will be asked to provide your email address before carrying out the relevant transaction and the successful payment of the fee for the Services, in order for the transaction receipt to be sent to you electronically. In any event, we shall not be liable for any failure to send the relevant billing document due to non-completion or incorrect completion of your email address. 


Through the Application, Registered Users are provided with the possibility to access any important and/or useful information related to the provision of the Services, i.e. indicatively:

  • Be continuously informed about the available Recharging Points around Greece.
  • Have continuous access to historical data of your recharges and payments, as well as those of Linked Members. Linked Members have access only to the recharge data etc. concerning themselves and not to those of the Registered User or any other Linked Members.
  • Create your own personalized user profile, by entering your vehicle(s), a photo of your choice, the cards you wish to use to make payments, introducing Linked Members etc. You can freely modify the above details.
  • Schedule seamlessly and remotely the charging sessions for your vehicles, by reserving the Recharging Point of your choice for a specified time window (date, time and duration). 

1. We reserve the right to modify the Application at any time, as well as its functionalities, at our sole and absolute discretion, namely (and indicatively) by adding new or modifying existing functions or options. 

2. Further, we reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. The modifications of the Terms will be notified to Users through this form, unless we choose, at our absolute discretion, to provide such notification through other specified appropriate means. Any modification of the Terms of the Application does not require the prior notification and consent of the Users. Users should visit the Terms periodically to keep up to date with any amendments to the Terms and the latest version thereof. 


1. The charges for the use of the Services, as well as any charges for the cancellation and/or non-use thereof, as specifically mentioned in these Terms, are freely determined by nrg. 

2. nrg reserves to itself the unilateral and unlimited right to modify freely and at any time the charges for the use of the Services, without prior notice to the Registered Users and/or Linked Members and/or Guests. 

3. You will be informed of the applicable charges as follows:
a) For Registered Users, as well as for Linked Members, exclusively and only through the Application. In this case, the charge (€/KWh) for the use of the Services shall be the charge indicated in the Application for each of the above mentioned Services immediately before the start of the use thereof, with the exception of the immediately following provision. Exceptionally and exclusively in the case of a Reservation, the charge for both the Reservation and the recharging of your vehicle shall be determined on the basis of the prices indicated in the Application at the time of the entry of the Reservation order and not on the basis of the time of charging.
b) For Guests, solely through the screen in the Recharging Point at the time prior the start of charging your vehicle.


We reserve the unilateral and unlimited right to suspend the operation of the Application and/or to terminate the Application, and/or to replace the Application and/or only certain functionalities/options/capabilities thereof, at any time and for any reason, at our sole  and absolute discretion and without any time limit.


1. We reserve the unilateral and unrestricted right to accept or reject a person’s application for registration in the Application at our absolute and sole discretion, in particular in the event that such person engages in unlawful or abusive or unconventional conduct. Accordingly, we have the unilateral and unrestricted right to take action to remove a person for the same aforementioned reasons, as well as for failure to consistently comply with the Terms of the Application.

2. Each User has the right to request their deletion from the Application, at any time and for any reason, either by calling at telephone number 21888 18102** (** local rate) or by sending such request by email to [email protected]. Exceptionally, if the User is a Linked Member of a CORAL customer, the request for deletion from the Application is submitted exclusively to CORAL, which in turn must communicate the request to nrg. In any case, and regardless of the way in which the request is submitted to us, we declare that we will make every effort to complete the request within 10 working days of receiving it and to inform you of its completion by any appropriate means. Nrg shall have no liability for any delay in processing a certain deletion request, if such delay is due to late transmission of the same by CORAL. 


1. All information and personal data that you submit through the Application or through CORAL (if your registration to the Application is carried out through the latter) are subject to processing based on the “Privacy Policy”, which you can access here

In our “Privacy Policy” you may find complete and detailed information on: (a) the nature of your personal data that we collect and process; (b) the purposes of processing and the legal basis for processing such personal data; (c) the recipients of your personal data; (d) your rights under applicable law; and (e) the ways in which you can exercise those rights. 
The use of the Application and/or the Services is subject to the condition that all information and data you submit is true and accurate. 

Participation in the Application constitutes a clear declaration of consent by each user within the meaning of Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR) to the use of their personal data for the purposes of the operation of the Application, as well as for the purposes of information and communication with them regarding the Application. 

NRG SUPPLY AND TRADING SINGLE MEMBER S.A. - 168 Kifissias Avenue and Sofokleous Street, P.O. 15126 Amaroussion, Attica, tel. 2109606091, email address [email protected] is responsible for the processing of your data and the Manager of the Application.

Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for other non-related purposes. It will only be transferred to persons connected to us who, on our instructions and on our behalf, provide the commercial, professional or technical services required to serve the stated purpose as processors, and with the same guarantees that they will not process your data except on our instructions and on our behalf, and in accordance with applicable domestic and European Union law. 

For further details and to exercise your rights under Articles 15-22 of the GDPR, please contact the Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) at the following address [email protected]. You may also visit our Privacy Policy at https://www.nrg.gr/en/privacy-policy. Finally, you may also file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority at www.dpa.gr


The Application uses cookies to make your browsing and experience as functional and complete as possible, as well as to collect statistics on its use. If you would like to receive more information about cookies, please click here. By continuing to browse the Application without making further modifications, you accept cookies.


1. The Application contains data, programs, texts, illustrations, images, graphics, special formatting, trademarks, logos and distinctive features, which are protected by the provisions of the applicable legislation on intellectual and industrial property. All of the above are owned by us, or by those who have licensed us to use them. Use of such material is permitted by you only to the extent expressly permitted by us or our licensors and only for the following, exhaustively mentioned, purposes: (a) your information regarding our products and services; and/or (b) communication between you and us, submission of requests and/or complaints.  In any case, the display and exposure of the aforementioned elements on the Application shall in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of the license or right to use them. 

2. The Equipment shall remain in its entirety and at all times our property, which shall also include, but not be limited to, all hardware, software, specifications, records, systems, files and/or data collected or generated by the Equipment, as well as all individual or separate environmental (or of similar nature) units resulting from the use or distribution of electricity from the Equipment.


1. You must use the Application exclusively within the applicable legal framework. Therefore, you agree that you will not attack it through a distributed denial of service attack or denial of service attack in general, nor will you knowingly transmit “viruses”, “worms”, “trojans”, or any other malicious or technologically harmful Software. Accordingly, you may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Application, or any other server, computer or database connected to the Application. 

2. Any breach of this condition may constitute a criminal offence, as defined by the applicable legislation. In the event that we become aware of such a violation, we are obliged to report it to the competent law enforcement and investigative authorities and to cooperate with them (if requested), in order to establish the identity of the perpetrator of such violation. It is understood that your violation of this clause will, among other things, result in the immediate termination of your access to and browsing of the Application.


1. We make the maximum effort, within the limits of what is objectively possible, in order to ensure that the information we provide through the Application is always up-to-date and valid, clear, correct and accurate, so that you can be informed in the most complete way regarding the Services, the Equipment and all the products we offer in general. Accordingly, we make every effort to ensure that the Application is consistently protected from digital viruses, functional and accessible to the persons using it.

2. Nevertheless, we have no obligation or liability towards a certain User for any default or non-exact fulfilment of our obligations in relation to the Application (e.g., due to any incorrect entry of certain information), as well as in the event of any inability of the latter to access the Application for any reason and cause, as well as for any damage suffered by the latter due to or on account of the use of the Application.

3. We shall not be liable for any unauthorized registration or access or use of the Application by a person other than the Registered User, which is not due to our proven fault, i.e., indicatively due to the disclosure by the Registered User of their access codes to the Application and/or due to the User’s failure to take the necessary technical preventive measures (e.g., malware detection system - antivirus) when using the Application, etc.

4. The Application may contain links to other websites and/or webpages and/or resources provided by third parties, with which we do not have any connection. These links are provided for informational purposes only, and their content is in no way under our control. By navigating to such links you accept that you are leaving the Application environment and are subject to their terms of use. In any case, we recommend that you always use Software to protect against viruses and malicious or technologically harmful software.

5. In view of the above and to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all liability and shall not be obliged to remedy any damage or loss of any nature whatsoever you may incur, including delay in service, due to (indicatively and not exhaustively):

  • your use or exploitation of any information provided through the Application; or
  • due to viruses, denial of service attacks or any other type of malicious or technologically harmful Software or materials that may infect the software and/or hardware of your computer or any other electronic device you use (smart phone, tablet, etc.) in view of your visit and browsing the Application; or
  • due to the use of hyperlinks to which the Application directs; or
  • due to your failure to comply with applicable law and/or these Terms.

In any case, any obligation provided for by the applicable legislation to remedy your loss will only cover your positive losses and not your consequential losses and/or lost profits. 

6. In no event do we guarantee the continued adequacy/availability of the Equipment and/or the Recharging Points/Stations, which we may remove at any time without prior notice to you. 

7. Finally, we are not obliged to repair any damage or loss you may suffer due to the Equipment being out of order (indicatively, due to a power failure), and in the event that charging of your vehicle is impossible due to defects in the Equipment (indicatively, worn, defective or broken charging cables, defective charger). 


1. “Force majeure event” means any event beyond our control and impossible to foresee, even if we exhaust our diligence and prudence, such as (indicatively and not exhaustively) war, fire, earthquake, flood, pandemic or epidemic, strike, problems or technical malfunctions of networks or lines, or online computer systems, servers or providers, computer components, the Software, the failure to send or receive data due to lack of available space, or due to technical problems or congestion in the telephone network or the internet or any website or any combination of these events, the interruption of connection to the internet, as well as attack by computer viruses, malicious or illegal actions or interference by third parties, fraudulent actions or due to the misuse of the Application in breach of the Terms. 

2. We shall not be liable, in the event of unavailability of the Application, or for the interruption of any or all of its functions or their application, or for the inability to provide the Services or for any technical issues that may occur in the Application and/or the Equipment, as well as for any general damage suffered by you, due to an event constituting a “Force Majeure event” and for as long as such event lasts.


1. We reserve the unilateral and unlimited right to assign this service without your consent to any third party, in particular to companies affiliated with us. 

2. The non-exercise of any of our rights under the Terms does not constitute a waiver. Similarly, our waiver of any individual claim does not constitute a waiver of any similar claim we may have in the future. In any event, no waiver of our rights under the Terms or applicable law shall be deemed valid unless made expressly in writing.

3. Any invalidity of any of the Terms shall not invalidate the whole of the Terms.

4. For your convenience, we inform you that we have a service for receiving requests and complaints. Your requests and complaints may be submitted to us verbally or in writing: 
(a) through completing the special form that you can access here (for submitting a request) and here (for submitting a complaint) and sending it either by post to our head office address (168 Kifissias Avenue and Sofokleous Street, PO 151 26, Amaroussion, Attica), or electronically to the email address: [email protected]; or 
(b) by calling the telephone number we have made available to you 21888 18102** (** local rate). 
We undertake to make every possible effort to provide a reasoned response to your complaints and other requests within a reasonable time after receiving them.

5. The Terms are governed by Greek law. The courts of Athens shall have exclusive competence to resolve any dispute arising from these Terms.

Amaroussion, April 2024